Aims & Activities


  • To showcase advanced entertainment that will build characters and culture of African children.
  • To encourage capitalization and large investment charters in children’s media and production on the continent.
  • To educate and inform policy-makers, the press, civil society organizations and parents about matters relating to children’s entertainment.
  • To develop children mentally through gauging the kind of content they are availed, how they respond to it and the impact.
  • To establish more confident use of African languages spoken by different tribes through relevant forms of entertaining and enriching its cultural background.
  • To grow children’s content by promoting quality, variety and range in children’s media in Africa.
  • To increase public awareness and improve understanding of media made for children and the issues arising from it.
  • To increase public awareness of the impact of negative media to children and wrong presentation of children in the media.


  • Content About children and youth;

Under this category, we partner with different production companies to develop content/train local producers and writers, researchers and educators on how to use media to advocate for social issues affecting African children and youth such as child early forced marriage, lack of educational system, different health issues, child security/safety and generally focusing on children’s social rights.

  • Content for the children;

This category works with regional/international partners to develop entertainment for children in local languages, educational formats and cultured content. This is to develop short doc series’, animations and fiction films/television programs for children.